
2 Handled
18.49 ms Total time

serialize 1

Data Context Normalizer Encoder Time Caller
Show contents
  "rows" => "3"
  "list" => [
      "id" => "2133660077"
      "name" => "Paysera (for European cards & banks)"
      "code" => "PAYSERA"
      "description" => "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      "isOnline" => "1"
      "sortOrder" => "8"
      "ownHandler" => false
      "id" => "2185449818"
      "name" => "Visa/Mastercard, ApplePay, GooglePay, plata by mono"
      "code" => "MONOBANK_3"
      "description" => "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      "isOnline" => "1"
      "sortOrder" => "13"
      "ownHandler" => false
      "id" => "2029517237"
      "code" => "PLATON_5"
      "description" => "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      "isOnline" => "1"
      "sortOrder" => "35"
      "ownHandler" => false
    App\ProjectCatalogBundle\Infrastructure\Service\Payment\Dto\PaymentTypeDto {#2616
      -id: "01942d84-f403-7f12-80c7-358991e00919"
      -name: "Apple pay mono original"
      -description: "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      -code: "MONOBANK_3"
      -isOnline: true
      -sortOrder: 13
      -merchantId: "01943cbd-4ceb-7d65-8af1-162dcd25e389"
      -ownHandler: true
      -projectCode: "apple_pay"
      -config: [
        "countryCode" => "UA"
        "supportedNetworks" => [
        "merchantCapabilities" => [
        "displayName" => "Karabas"
        "domainName" => ""
        "merchantValidationUrl" => "/apple/merchant/validation/01943cbd-4ceb-7d65-8af1-162dcd25e389"
        "processPaymentUrl" => "/apple/merchant/payment/01943cbd-4ceb-7d65-8af1-162dcd25e389"
    App\ProjectCatalogBundle\Infrastructure\Service\Payment\Dto\PaymentTypeDto {#2253
      -id: "01943c6c-48eb-7e20-8f2a-992200fe5904"
      -name: "Revolut"
      -description: "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      -code: "MONOBANK_3"
      -isOnline: true
      -sortOrder: 13
      -merchantId: "01943cbd-4ced-766a-b444-c642772281d7"
      -ownHandler: true
      -projectCode: "revolut"
      -config: [
        "processPaymentUrl" => "/revolut/merchant/payment/01943cbd-4ced-766a-b444-c642772281d7"
    App\ProjectCatalogBundle\Infrastructure\Service\Payment\Dto\PaymentTypeDto {#2246
      -id: "01944738-e612-75c1-829a-5940b4da5bbd"
      -name: "Redsys"
      -description: "Payment security is guaranteed by partner banks and VISA/MasterCard systems. Buying tickets is absolutely safe. Any transaction is confidential and securely protected. Our website encrypts all personal information, including credit and debit card details, name and address."
      -code: "MONOBANK_3"
      -isOnline: true
      -sortOrder: 13
      -merchantId: "01944738-f536-7b63-92ff-9079563bb1d6"
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        "processPaymentUrl" => "/redsys/merchant/payment/01944738-f536-7b63-92ff-9079563bb1d6"
    App\ProjectCatalogBundle\Infrastructure\Service\Payment\Dto\PaymentTypeDto {#2286
      -id: "01943aea-cbe4-787b-8e7d-cd410795c88c"
      -name: "Platon"
      -description: "Безпека платежів гарантується банками-партнерами та системами VISA / MasterCard. Купівля квитків абсолютно безпечна. Будь-яка угода конфіденційна і надійно захищена. Наш сайт шифрує всю особисту інформацію, в тому числі дані кредитних і дебетових пластикових карт, ім`я та адреси."
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      -projectCode: "platon"
      -config: [
        "processPaymentUrl" => "/platon/merchant/payment/01943fed-0a46-7930-84f1-30463b2bcd52"
  "CommandStatus" => "0"
Format: json
Show context
  "json_encode_options" => 15
ObjectNormalizer (0.08 ms) JsonEncoder (0.04 ms) 13.68 ms

deserialize 1

Data Context Normalizer Encoder Time Caller
Show contents
Type: App\Fm\Application\Command\FmCommand\FmCommand
Format: json
Show context
  "groups" => [
  "fos_bundle_serialization" => true
  "version" => null
  "enable_max_depth" => null
  "skip_null_values" => true
ObjectNormalizer (4.61 ms) JsonEncoder (0.03 ms) 4.82 ms

normalize 0

Nothing was normalized.

denormalize 0

Nothing was denormalized.

encode 0

Nothing was encoded.

decode 0

Nothing was decoded.